What team do you participate on?
I have been a member of the Trudeau Tigers for 10 years but have been a Special Olympics Rhode Island athlete for 25 years. Before I joined the Tigers, I competed for 15 years on the Warwick Superstars team. I also competed in the 2014 USA Games in New Jersey and the 2022 USA Games in Florida.
What sports do you compete in?
Swimming, Softball, Soccer, and Basketball. Of these sports, Swimming is my favorite.
Where did you go to school?
I attended Tollgate High School in Warwick. I graduated in 2011. My favorite memories from high school are serving as the team manager for the Girls Ice Hockey Team and running as a member of the Girls Track Team.
Do you have a job? If so, tell us about it.
For the past 10 years, I have been volunteering at two local schools, assisting teachers with paperwork and other tasks, and helping students. At St. Kevin’s School in Warwick, I assist 5th grade students and at Norwood Elementary School, I help 1st grade students practice their weekly spelling words.
Why did you choose to participate in the Athlete Leadership University (ALU)?
I chose to participate in ALU because I have really enjoyed being a Global Messenger and wanted to continue learning and having opportunities to share information with the public about the mission of Special Olympics.
What have you accomplished through your involvement with ALU?
I gained a better understanding of what makes a good leader and how to show other athletes that we can do anything we put our minds to even when others tell us we can’t. One of my top achievements since graduating from ALU was helping SORI with volunteer recruitment. Last year, I accompanied SORI President and CEO, Ed Pacheco, and SORI Coach Ray Schnell to a Volunteer Recruitment presentation at Textron. I enjoyed speaking to and answering questions from Textron employees. The presentation was successful. We recruited a lot of volunteers for Summer Games. This year, I plan to continue volunteer recruitment work for SORI and to serve as an athlete facilitator for the next group of athletes going through the ALU program.
What do you enjoy doing for fun?
I love competing in Special Olympics and being with my teammates. I also love to watch TV, listen to music, hang out with my family and friends, and play Harry Potter board games like Harry Potter Clue, Harry Potter Trouble, and Harry Potter Spot It.
Is there anything else about yourself that you would like to share?
I enjoy being a role model. For example, during the summer of 2023, I volunteered at The Autism Project’s Camp Wannagoagain because I wanted to work with children with disabilities like me. I enjoyed working with other camp counselors; they really treated me like a peer and not someone with a disability.
Also, in 2019 I was trained by Special Olympics North America to be a Healthy Athlete Spokesperson. One of the ways I applied my skills was serving as co-host of Special Olympics Rhode Island’s “Get up and Move” exercise segment.
The Athlete Spotlight series shines a light on remarkable individuals from Special Olympics Rhode Island who are either currently enrolled in or have successfully completed our Athlete Leadership University program. These inspiring athletes undergo comprehensive leadership training, acquiring both knowledge and skills. Through hands-on experiences in roles of responsibility, they collaborate with leaders who do not have intellectual or developmental disabilities, contributing to the development of inclusive environments. Join us in celebrating these dedicated individuals and their impactful journey within our community!