
Special Olympics Donut Week

December 2 – 9, 2023

Special Olympics Donut Week

Celebrate the joy of giving during Special Olympics Donut Week, an annual campaign where Dunkin’ franchisees in Rhode Island and southeastern Massachusetts contribute $0.25 cents from each donut sale to support Special Olympics. The generous proceeds from Donut Week are thoughtfully allocated between Special Olympics Rhode Island and Special Olympics Massachusetts, aligning with geographical sales. Don’t miss this delicious opportunity to make a difference! Swing by any Dunkin’ location between December 2 and December 9, treat yourself to a delightful donut or two, and share in the spirit of giving. As you enjoy your treats, you might even have the chance to meet some of our incredible athletes. They’ll be making special guest appearances alongside our President and CEO, Ed Pacheco, expressing their heartfelt gratitude for your invaluable support during Donut Week!


December 2, 2023