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Athlete Spotlight

Meet John Williams!

John Williams

What team do you participate on?
I have competed on the ReFocus team since 2013 and, in early March 2014, I became the Team Captain. I like this role because it makes me feel honored, appreciated and proud that my teammates can count on me to believe in themselves.

What sports do you compete in?
Track & Field, Bocce, Bowling and Tennis. Tennis is my favorite because it’s a sport I have never done before, but I was open to trying something new and it’s a fun way to be active.

Where did you go to school?
I attended Mount Pleasant High School. I graduated in 2006.

Do you have a job? If so, tell us about it.
I’m a Yoga Instructor. Yoga is something that I’m very passionate about. I enjoy doing it – it really relaxes me. I began teaching at ReFocus about a year ago and, now, I’m a certified instructor at Shri Yoga. I’ve been in this role since March of this year. Seeing people that come to yoga relax and find their center, and knowing I help others feel so calm and at peace afterwards, makes every lesson worthwhile.

Do you have a job? If so, tell us about it.
I’m a Yoga Instructor. Yoga is something that I’m very passionate about. I enjoy doing it – it really relaxes me. I began teaching at ReFocus about a year ago and, now, I’m a certified instructor at Shri Yoga. I’ve been in this role since March of this year. Seeing people that come to yoga relax and find their center, and knowing I help others feel so calm and at peace afterwards, makes every lesson worthwhile.

Why did you choose to participate in the Athlete Leadership University (ALU)?
To learn more about being a leader and about teamwork.

What do you hope to accomplish through your involvement with ALU?
I believe that I now have additional skills and experience to inspire others whenever possible. Communication and public speaking were the things I learned during ALU. Being on a 30-minute talk show on Rhode Island PBS with Ed Pacheco recently was a great opportunity for me to test my skills, tell my story, and also share my journey with others. It was a terrific experience.

What do you enjoy doing for fun?
Reading books, watching movies, playing video games, and singing karaoke. I like to sing any upbeat, positive or, occasionally, love songs. I love reading Harry Potter books and my favorite DC movie is Aquaman.

Is there anything else about yourself that you would like to share?
I’m hoping to start my own business someday to teach yoga and martial arts Inner Peace/Inner Warrior. I really hope to become a Master of Yoga and a martial artist for anyone willing to learn to focus their minds, find peace within, and to defend themselves if necessary.


The Athlete Spotlight Series

The Athlete Spotlight series shines a light on remarkable individuals from Special Olympics Rhode Island who are either currently enrolled in or have successfully completed our Athlete Leadership University program. These inspiring athletes undergo comprehensive leadership training, acquiring both knowledge and skills. Through hands-on experiences in roles of responsibility, they collaborate with leaders who do not have intellectual or developmental disabilities, contributing to the development of inclusive environments. Join us in celebrating these dedicated individuals and their impactful journey within our community!