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Athlete Spotlight

Meet Kathy Kryzwonos!

Kathy Krzywonos

What team do you participate on?
I have competed on the Pawtucket Pacers team for 15 years.

What sports do you compete in?
Snowshoeing, bowling, and golf. My favorite is golf because it’s challenging and I’m always competing with myself to be a better golfer.

Where did you go to school?
I attended Tolman High School. I graduated in 2009.

Do you have a job? If so, tell us about it.
I’ve worked at Shaw’s Supermarket in Cranston for 5 ½  years. My job title is Front Associate, and I take care of carriages, bagging, and putting food away. I love interacting with my coworkers and the public.

Why did you choose to participate in Athlete Leadership University (ALU)?
I was referred by my coach who knew I would enjoy learning in the classes. Everything I learned was helpful to becoming a better leader. Now, I’m spreading the word to other athletes, encouraging them to participate in ALU. I love to help and to spread the word about good things.

What do you hope to accomplish through your involvement with ALU?
I look forward to helping athletes and future students by spreading the word that they can accomplish anything they would like to. I’ve learned that it’s not about me, it’s about all the other athletes. ALU has definitely given me more confidence and more opportunities. For example, I was a guest on The Rhode Show along with Ed Pacheco, the President and CEO of Special Olympics Rhode Island, to promote this year’s Summer Games. I also enjoyed working on my capstone project, where I assisted a SORI staff member with the Pawtucket YMCA Pelicans team, focusing on basketball skills, swim practice, and competitions.

What do you enjoy doing for fun?
I like to do arts & crafts, painting, needle felt, and crochet. I also like to spend time with my friends at Special Olympics activities. It’s been really nice meeting so many people from all over the state. I also like to shop with my Mom and Dad and see my family at family gatherings.

Is there anything else about yourself that you would like to share?
I am a kindhearted and very social person. I love to meet new people, talk to them, and help them out if they need help with anything.


The Athlete Spotlight Series

The Athlete Spotlight series shines a light on remarkable individuals from Special Olympics Rhode Island who are either currently enrolled in or have successfully completed our Athlete Leadership University program. These inspiring athletes undergo comprehensive leadership training, acquiring both knowledge and skills. Through hands-on experiences in roles of responsibility, they collaborate with leaders who do not have intellectual or developmental disabilities, contributing to the development of inclusive environments. Join us in celebrating these dedicated individuals and their impactful journey within our community!