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Athlete Spotlight

Meet Sofia Illiano!

Sofia Illiano

What team do you participate on?
I’ve been a member of the North Stars team for 13 years.

What sports do you compete in?
I compete in golf, traditional basketball, Unified basketball, traditional bowling, Unified bowling, track & field, snowshoeing, cornhole, cheerleading & swimming.

Where did you go to school?
I attended North Providence High School.

Do you have a job? If so, tell us about it.
Yes, I work at the Cornerstone School in Cranston as a teacher’s helper. I also volunteer at different fundraisers and charities. I enjoy making unique kinds of arts and crafts like rock art and then selling it to benefit my S.O.F.I.A. (Support Others for Inclusion & Acceptance). I have raised thousands of dollars to help others. I helped the Bahamas after they got destroyed by the hurricane, and helped Australia when they had the fire that wiped out a majority of the koala and kangaroo population. I also provided schools in Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Panama and other communities with school supplies, clothing, and toys. During the Covid19 outbreak, I gathered safety supplies for group homes in Rhode Island and spread the word on how to stay safe.

Why did you choose to participate in the Athlete Leadership University (ALU)?
I chose to participate in Athlete Leadership University to expand my involvement in Special Olympics and to spread the word on how people can get involved and help us athletes grow. It takes a small voice to teach the world that together we can make a difference.

What do you hope to accomplish through your involvement with this program?
I hope to become a better leader for my peers to help support others for inclusion and acceptance!

What do you enjoy doing for fun?
When I am not helping others, I enjoy singing, traveling, and meeting new people




The Athlete Spotlight Series

The Athlete Spotlight series shines a light on remarkable individuals from Special Olympics Rhode Island who are either currently enrolled in or have successfully completed our Athlete Leadership University program. These inspiring athletes undergo comprehensive leadership training, acquiring both knowledge and skills. Through hands-on experiences in roles of responsibility, they collaborate with leaders who do not have intellectual or developmental disabilities, contributing to the development of inclusive environments. Join us in celebrating these dedicated individuals and their impactful journey within our community!